15 Ways To Ensure Your Agency’s Creative Juices Keep Flowing

By March 25, 2019press

Agencies have always been centered around finding inspiration and sharing it with others. As such, agency work is a field in which it’s vitally important to maintain enthusiasm and keep the creative juices flowing. Yet, with the daily grind, keeping that creative spark alive can often get pushed to the back burner.

Agencies need to ensure they are keeping their team’s creativity thriving by actively making the workplace more interesting. We asked 15 members of Forbes Agency Council to open up about their strategies for keeping creativity in the workplace high throughout the year.

14. Let Team Members Design Their Spaces

We ask all team members to creatively design their own workspaces to embrace individualism. By making their space their own, they can feel comfortable, inspired and at home. We design our office collaboratively, always changing and including areas like “reading nooks” and a TV room. We also often attend trends events to stay sharp, competitive and inspired by changing innovations. – Lauren Shirreffs, 2Social | The Social Media Agency

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