Hiring new talent can be intimidating. You don’t want to make the wrong choice, but you also don’t want to spend weeks or even months sifting through resumes and conducting interviews.
To make the process more efficient and effective, it helps to make a list not only of the skills, but also of the traits a successful candidate must have. This is particularly important when you’re hiring for creative roles, where possessing characteristics like flexibility, empathy and the ability to accept feedback play a huge role in success.
We asked a panel of Forbes Agency Council experts about some lesser-known or even unexpected traits leaders should look for in creative team members, and why these characteristics are so crucial.
Thought leaders who bring honesty to a creative team help foster transparency in the workplace. A company culture that celebrates and inspires honesty as a value creates an atmosphere of trust, confidence and loyalty. Management must be open to hearing the truth from employees, and employees must be open to constructive feedback from team members for continued growth. – Lauren Shirreffs, 2Social | The Social Media Agency